Thursday, June 16, 2011

25lbs Down

I am so excited to say that I hit the 25 lb mark today!! I actually teared up a little on the scale when I realized that I hit that milestone. I am a very proud 250 lbs now!! And still going, of course!

That's really all I wanted to say. My husband, who doesn't seem nearly as impressed as I want him to be, asked what we're doing to celebrate (since I mentioned a 25 lb reward the other day) and so I guess I'll make cookies. He definitely wants some. I think he misses the wife that used to bake on a very regular basis. I feel like I should start buying cookies and stuff again so that he has snacks like that. But I know I'll get into them more than I should. He likes my skinny cow ice creams. Maybe I'll just buy more of those, or some 100 calorie packs. I've thought about getting some 100 calorie pack cookies for me anyway. A while back Walgreens was selling Skinny Cow candy bars, and I got one and it was delicious! I should see if I can find those as a special treat from time to time.

Oh well I guess I can talk about something non-diet related. My brother is no longer engaged. I didn't get any details, but it was definitely his doing. He is just never satisfied. I don't want him to settle or be unhappily married, but I so badly want him to settle down and be married and maybe hav more kids. I hate to think that he'll be a bachelor forever, but I wouldn't be surprised if that's what happens. But I guess as long as he's happy, right? Well at least I hadn't started making their invitations yet. Anyway, I'm bummed. Cuz I really liked Cheristy from what I knew of her. Obviously we'd never met, but I've talked to her on the phone and on Facebook. I just want him to find a good girl and hang onto her! Okay, mini-rant over.

I've been working on getting my scrap room/office cleaned. Almost done. But I realized there's a bunch of mini projects that I want to do, that I'll work on once I'm done with the basic cleaning. I need to organize all my pictures, go through some really old papers of mine, see if its anything I need to keep, burn the rest. I of course also plan to reorganize my scrapbook paper. But I'll start scrapping again at Robin's before I get into all the extra organizing. And when I'm home instead of scrapping, I'll organize. It'll all get done eventually. Not like I'm in a hurry.

I guess that's it from me!

PS- Hey, if you know any dietters, send them to my blog. Maybe I'll be some kind of inspiration. And I need more followers. :)


  1. (starts chanting) We are proud of you, say we are proud of you (clapping too) we are proud of you, say we are proud of you..

    Woot woot. Way to go!! I knew it wouldnt take you 6 months to lose the 25 lbs!! Im so happy for you. Keep up the great work.

    P.S. men are never as happy about things the way we went them to be.. Its cause they are jack-holes!

  2. That's great! Congrats on the weight loss!

    Sorry about your brother. I'm sure when he finds the right one he will settle down.
