Saturday, August 20, 2011

Amping It Up!

Lately I've been amping up my workout routine! I don't want to plateau and I don't want to be flabby! For starters, IO'm doing a higher level and faster speed on the elliptical. And I've started doing the dreaded weigtht training. For the first week or so I was doing it kinda half assed... not pushing myself, and not really keeping track of how much I was doing in terms of weight or reps. But I did a little reading online and talked to a friend who knows what she's doing better then I do. And now I've been pushing myself. Here's what I've started doing (so far only done it twice.. I'm gonna do every other day because I get so sore!):

Arm Curl.............................................30
Tricep Extension..............................40
Shoulder Press................................20
Back Extension................................85
Rotary Torso, 40*, both ways....50
Hip Abduction.................................55
Hip Abduction2..............................55
Leg Press..........................................85
Leg Extension.................................55
Seated Leg Curl..............................55
Seated Row.....................................55
Chest Press.....................................25
Lateral Pull......................................55
Rear Delt/Fly..................................55

I do three reps of 10 on each one. There are some that I could do a little heavier, like the leg extension. There are a few that I'm totally embarrassed at how little I can handle. Like the chest press is SO hard for me! But I know that I'll see improvement before too long. I already feel like I'm getting stronger, but it might just be that I'm lighter. Like (and I'm about to make myself sound like a lard ass) it's easier to get up off the couch. LOL. But seriously. If you've ever been overweight, you will understand. And if you haven't... well you're lucky! But anyway, I look forward to getting strong! I've never been strong and it will be nice to feel like I could kick some butt if I needed to. I wish Bagdad had classes to offer... there's someone that does Zumba but it's just the videos which I could do at home. I would love an aerobics class or eventually a kickboxing class or something.

Oh, also as part of my amped up workout routine, I've been trying to go for walks at least a few times a week. It's hard to do when Clint is on days because it's still too hot before he gets home, and after dinner it's dark. I can go in the dark I just prefer not to. I'd like to start doing a 2 mile walk most evenings but it hasn't happened yet. I know the route I want to take I just haven't done it yet. I will when Clint goes back to nights next week though!

I am about 5 lbs away from the 50 pound mark. HOLY COW!! I'm hoping to get there in two weeks (fingers crossed!) because I'm spending a night in Prescott with my friends and we're going out to dinner to celebrate Melissa's upcoming wedding and I'd like to be 5 lbs lighter. Not that it's gonna make much difference in how I look.. maybe just so I can tell them I've lost 50 lbs. I saw Jessica yesterday but I haven't seen the others in about 30 lbs so I'm excited! :D

I don't think I've blogged about my missing iPod yet... so sad!! It's been about a month. I think someone must have stolen it out of my truck, in my driveway. I always leave it in the truck and when I take it out it's at the gym where it stays on my body the whole time. Makes no sense! I have been missing my iTunes purchases so whenever I'm in the office/craft room (like now), I listen to my iTunes. But I think I'm gonna get a cheapy 2gb iPod soon. It's a pain in the butt listening to music on my phone at the gym because the headphone thing is kinda messed up and if you bump it it disconnects. So annoying. But I guess I am just glad I can listen to music on my phone! It would suck to not have music!

I recently discovered the Notepad app, which is how I'm typing this. I'm able to type on my desktop, put it on my phone, and copy and paste to my blog. It's nice to not have to type all this on my phone! There really is an app for everything! There's nothing I can't do from my phone. At least not that I've found yet!

Well I guess I have babbled enough for one post. Till next time...


  1. Way to go on amping it all up!! and woot woot for being 5 lbs from 50 lbs lost!! that is amazing!! you are doing great!!

  2. This is seriously AWESOME!!! I am so proud of you! I can't wait to see you. :-)
    Jess and I are going to start a wights class at the college....I'll probably turn to you for advice since you have gotten a jump start on it. :-)
    It's seriously inspiring to see you take charge of your health. It makes me want to do the same. I am so low on energy so hopefully it will help. So congrats on your accomplishments and thanks for serving as an inspiration! <3 ya!
